Market analysis.png


To perform research on the needs and opportunities present in the field that the team is interested in.

Factors to Consider

  • The Ideal Market

    • Describe the ideal market that your technology could address

    • Who is the perfect customer for your product/solution?

  • The Market Size

    • What is the size of the field that you are entering?

    • Is it international or national?

    • How many similar products were sold last year?

  • The Market’s Needs

    • What need does this market expect your technology to satisfy?

    • How is it better than the alternate that’s on the market right now?

    • Are you solving a problem for the customer?

    • Why would they care about your technology?

    • Note: Make sure to see from customer’s viewpoint, not the developer’s

  • The Solution’s Pricing

    • How much would customers pay for your technology?

    • Note: Be sure to look up competitors’ prices (or price of whatever technology you’re displacing, if there is no direct competitor)

  • The Triggers and Barriers

    • What are the triggers and barriers to adopting your technology?

    • Ask your team, what barriers do we have to overcome?

  • The Strategic Implications

    • What are the greatest threats from this market analysis?

    • How does your team need to prepare to account for these threats?


IBISWorld Market Research Reports & Analysis: A site that allows users to isolate a field of business and inspect their supply chain, major market leaders, and factors that may inhibit or enable an new technology in this market.

Bureau of Labor Statistics: A government run website structured around providing information on consumer expenditure, inflation and deflation, pay benefits and productivity.

CensusViewer:  A free version that shows users the US Census information in spatial representations that condence the information and can make it easy to digest.

Small Business Development Center Network: The National Information Clearinghouse is showcasing various business groups and highlighting the important information relevant to each of their markets. They then create reports about these areas.


Kostoulas, Y. 2019. ENGM Fall Outline. Vanderbilt University. Unpublished manuscript.